Mermaid Celebrates 5 years in Style

Bray's Mermaid arts center is 5 this year and is celebrating by (amongst other things) putting on some kickass films. This sunday at 1pm you can catch John Boorman's wickla' classic 'Excalibur' introduced by Boorman himself and preceded by a documentary at noon.

Next sunday however sees the screening of three flicks: Neil Jordan's bray based 'The Miracle'; 'How Harry became a Tree'; of my all time favorite films: Paddy Breathnach and Conor McPherson's 'I Went Down'.

Possibly the greatest Irish film of all time, this exceedingly clever crime caper (like my alliteration?) features Brendan Gleeson's greatest ever creation: Bunny Kelly. A knacker with a heart of gold, Kelly whips out line after line of incessantly quotable madness ("look at you there, you tubby little no-dick in-the-bath-fella."). Miss this at your peril! Even if you've seen this before, I can assure you from personal experience that it's a true example of something that gets better every time. I'm on at least 40 views (...i have a little condition).

By the by, the whole shebang is free, but you need to book.
Do so here!

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