the 21st edition of our mixtapes to ease a self induced sickness comes from the one and only Les Savy Fav.
check out what they picked in the read more and the link to download.
Harrison's pick- 1.'may it always be' by bonnie prince billy
Tim's -pick 2." Bitches aint shit" by Easy E
Seth's -pick 3."Ogden's Nut Gone Flake" by the Small Faces
Syd's -pick 4."I can't stand me" by Merle Haggard
picked by all the band
5."sunday morning coming down" by kris kristofferson
6."margaritaville" by jimmy buffet
click here to go to download page
At the moment Les Savy Fav have a live digital-only release out called After the Ball Drop, with tracks from 2007's Let's Stay Friends and was peppered with old favorites, and they wrapped up with some very choice covers. you can buy it from places like itunes and Amazon.
LES SAVY FAV - Brace Yourself
Les Savy Fav - "Patty Lee"
Les Savy Fav myspace

Check out this recent interview with Les Savy Fav. They talk about their writing process, and a bit of the method behind the madness (
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