this is what director Lorcan Finnegan had to say about the video
"The second music video I directed for Dublin band Sickboy. There are a few idea behind this video; two of the band members, Colm and Brian are identical twin brothers - like carbon copies of each other, which got me interested in the idea of copying and reproduction of images. I was also interested in the aesthetic of the home made fliers and self promotional material being produced by local bands, often cracked and torn black and white photocopies showing a picture of the band and a date etc. Also the idea of animating 'silent' photocopies of a face smushed up against the glass of a photocopier to make it appear as though they are singing was part of the idea.. So I photocopied colm's face in a photocopier and got him to move it around as the light from the copier passed his face to create distortions - we made hundreds of photocopies with all the main mouth/facial shapes needed for lip sync. Then I shot them playing on whitescreen, photocopied the frames etc - put the mouth shapes in order and photographed them etc. I think it worked out pretty well in the end..."
sickboy myspace

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