Readers Wives choose the egoeccentric hangover mixtape no: 49

Apart from having a name which reminds me of my teens, before the time of Internet when I had to jerk off to still pictures in magazines, Readers Wives have proven themselves good and noticeable enough to (as the cliché goes) make some wives around these here parts and lo and behold they've taken time from touring around Europe parts to come up with a dandy little mixtape.

Mixtape Goodness right here y'all


1. Tom Waits - "Tom Traubert's Blues"
2. Lou Reed - "Coney Island Baby"
3. Nirvana - "Oh Me"
4. Smog - "Rock Bottom Riser"
5. Sparklehorse - "It's A Wonderful Life"
6. Why - "Good Friday"
7. The Cure - "Pictures of You"
8. Yo La Tengo - "Our Way to Fall"
9. Paul Weller - "You Do Something To Me"
10. Oasis - "The Turning"

Readers Wives begin a 5 day residency in a place called Midem in a town called Cannes. The one in France. Their self-titled debut album is out now and available to buy in all the places that sell albums called Readers Wives by Readers Wives. Their myspace is here to check out some of their stuff.

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January 11, 2009 at 4:20 PM Rol said...

Just had a listen to some of the songs on their myspace and I really liked what I heard... I'll have to check out more, cheers.

January 12, 2009 at 8:41 AM Anonymous said...

Why havn`t I heard of this fantasic band before now....this guy Holohan is the best writer around.....fantastic

January 14, 2009 at 11:40 PM Puddleg said...

Coney Island Baby is the greatest song. Tom Traubert is known outside of the MySpace literature forum; there is a God!
And Reader's Wives deserve to be world-famous, I'm always interested in what they're doing next; their last CD was brilliant.