timetable for weekend in the read more
Friday 13th February
7pm - 11pm
A night of acoustic music with Heathers, Cian Nugent & Jay Baker
Saturday 14th February
noon - 4pm
Bike repair workshop in the seomra, hosted by our newly formed bike group
noon - 2pm
A radical walking tour of the north inner city, hosted by local historian Terry Fagan. Places on the walking tour are limited to 15 and the cost is 6.50, to book a place, please email seomraspraoi@gmail.com
noon - 2pm
Gardening & seed planting. help grow the new seomra's garden!
2 - 3pm
Lunch, Zapatista coffee and fancy cakes (Veggie/vegan & gluten free options available)
Cooked & served by Dublin's sexiest chefs The People's Kitchen
3 - 4:30pm
Stencil graffiti workshop
4 - 6pm
Social Centres Workshop - A popular education participatory exercise on the historical trajectory of social centres, mapping out the link between capitalism, social movements and social centres
4 - 6pm
A workshop on electronic music hosted by Herv
8 - 1am
Paisean Faisean - fancy dress party with music from DJs Deki & Krossphader
Sunday 15th February
2 - 3pm
Lunch - guaranteed to cure your hangover...
Veggie/vegan & gluten free options available.
Cooked & served by Dublin's sexiest chefs The People's Kitchen
3 - 4pm
3 Minutes of Infamy - A representative from each of the groups that use Seomra Spraoi will speak for three minutes about their group, what they do and how you can get involved.
4 - 6pm
A panel discussion on autonomous social spaces in Dublin with speakers from Seomra Spraoi, The Joy Gallery & The Shed.
The Joy Gallery is a not-for-profit art space focusing on experimental art, music/art cross-collaborations and new
media work.
The Shed is a workshop space in the heart of Dublin, off Bolton street in Dublin 1. This project has been created to give location to foreign artists resident in Ireland or in general artists working on International Issues and their unconventional approach to art and communication.
7 - 9pm
Film screening hosted by the Seomra's cinema group

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