You may be familiar with the tremendously bearded Kyp Malone from his role as multi-instrumentalist with TV On The Radio, but being the creative type he's been busying away with a handful of other projects at the same time. One is the quite nice and occasionally crazy Iran, in which Malone provides guitar & backing vocals. Another has recently been announced as Rain Machine- what's essentially a Kyp Malone solo project.
The debut album from Rain Machine is to be released on September 22nd (artwork above- also by Malone) and from the video below, promises to be pretty decent.
RAIN MACHINE aka Kyp Malone of TV on the Radio (dublab VisionVersion) from dublab on Vimeo.
In other TVOTR related news, I finally got my hands on the band's rarely-spoken-of debut album, OK Calculator, this week. Wow, they've come a long way...

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