The steaming pile that is Nickelback have announced that they are to play the RDS, Simmonscourt. The show isn't til September 13th, so there's still a good chance they might split up by then, thus saving residents of the Ballsbridge area from the brain damage that would inevitably result from hearing Nickelback live.
Tickets cost a comical 54.80, so we can expect the show to be downsized to a more 'intimate' venue at some point pre-september. How the hell are they still booking arena shows? How the hell are they still on a major record label?? Bewildering.
Check the readmore my using this opportunity to take some swipes at Chad Kruger & Co.
Click here for a true internet jem- an exposé (as if it needed exposing) of Nickelback as a- quote: "lazy, talentless bunch of wankers"
Hilarious? Or depressing? A bit of both, sir, a bit of both.
More Nickelhilarity (click image to enlarge):
Boy do I have a dislike for this band..
It's good to vent these things every once in a while.

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