Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson are two hitmen sent to a small town in Belgium called Bruges to lie low after a job gone wrong. Gleeson's into the sight-seeing. Farrell thinks Bruges is a shit hole.
- Colin Farrell at his best.
- Brendan Gleeson at his best
- Lots of swearing
- Lots of violence
- Great lines
- Dwarfs
- Very very funny
- At times some of the acting seems a little laboured
- Sometimes it gets a little too soppy and soul-searching
- Ralph Fiennes, while excellent, plays more or less the same character that Ben Kingsley played in 'Sexy Beast' (which is also awesome).
- Thats pretty much it really, the movies great.
Click below to see the trailers and a couple of clips

I loved this film! Dark Comedy! Pictures like paintings...very good!!
Very Guy Ritchie-ish. Everybody is connected in some way, and many people die- all mixed in with some great lines! Worth every minute!
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