music I can't get out of my head

This weeks music I can't get out of my head is from Cloud Cult, Cloud Cult is an indie-rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The band’s founder and singer Craig Minowa has a degree in Environmental Science and his environmental, politcal and social awareness is reflected in much of Cloud Cult’s music. The band’s self-created not-for-profit record label, Earthology Records, uses the most truly eco methods out there to ensure minimum damage to the environment.
The song in question is off Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes) and was hard to pick just one song off the album , the album is jamazing , but all silly made up words aside it truly is a great record and is one i think people should go out and get.

MP3>Cloud Cult - Everybody Here Is a Cloud

They really are a great band and i would totally recommend this album to everyone if you like this i would also recommend Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus which involved collaboration from a variety of musicians and has been widely acclaimed as a work of “insane genius”.
Cloud Clut myspace

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