Dublin's finest delivers the long awaited album number three. Can it possibly live up to expectations?
- Whereas album #1 was testing the water, and album #2 was finding his/their feet, here we have a band that have finally settled on their sound.
- And what a sound. Having given Dublin gig-goers many a mind-blowing show, Richie Egan & Co have translated their energy perfectly to record.
- Songwriting is of a very high standard throughout, with lyrics you can think on, and choruses you can sing.
- As for style, think acoustic-electric. A singer/songwriter with synths and a drum machine who really wants you to dance.
- While (album #2) Monkeys in the Zoo... had a few humdingers, this one is packed to the brim. If you're hoping for hit-singles like Floating, you're in luck. A lot of luck.
- I can now finally can listen to I Was a Man somewhere other than Jape's myspace page.
- Even the quiet songs are amazing- At the Heart of all of this Strangeness is subtly beautiful, and Phil Lynott is an instant singalong classic.
- But don't forget the dancey tracks- Replays, Apple in an Orchard: great; Strike Me Down: AMAZING.
- In fact, that's pretty much what we're talking about here- an album that fluctuates between great and amazing.
- I could go for a few more tracks.
- That's it.
Let's go for a quiet one...
Jape- Phil Lynott
Click for mp3

Really like his first album, and what ever i heard on the 2nd one was top notch, but this P.L. song sounds like bad "6 form poetry" to me, too aware of it self. It kind of reminds me when I first heard Snow Potral played the yet to be release "Run" and I knew somethings goin wrong in the emo maniac lightbody's brain.
Ouch, Snow Patrol.
I do like the 'no frills' approach from time to time. But not of Snow Patrol proportions...
I like it
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