On Friday August 15th (Tomorrow) You're Only Massive and Queen Kong will present DOT-DASH, a split 12" silver vinyl album (fancy i dont think my vinyl addiction will let me miss getting that).
The concert will be seated and will take place in the Space Upstairs at the Project Arts Centre, Dublin.Admission is 12 euros and includes a copy of Dot-Dash for the first 100 people.
I also got a chance to ask Maebh what was going on with You're Only Massive breaking up
"Megan has left yes yes this is true but You're Only Massive is not breaking up or ending. Au contraire mon frere. When we started we both were on a similar level of messing around - for me, You're Only Massive was also an excuse to hang out with Meg, who's one of the funniest smartest people I know. Since we started though, I've gotten really into the concept and actuality of You're Only Massive. I write every day and think about You're Only Massive all the time, even while dreaming or swimming. Meg is a writer at heart and doesn't really want to do music, whereas I want to grow musically and continue making this kind of work. Also, now we have become friends, we don't need a band in order to hang out, we can just do that".
So their you we can still expect great things from You're Only Massive in the future.
To wet your aural appetite for the Gig tomorrow which you should go to, two tracks off Dot Dash
You're Only Massive - Booty(Buy Me Money)
Queen Kong - The World Is Yours
That good old boy nialler9 also has a post about the gig and another mp3 head over to him to get even more of a fix

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