Bat For Lashes- Pearl's Dream

This is the new(ish) video for Pearl's Dream by Bat For Lashes. It's the second single taken from the album Two Suns, which, in my opinion, is the best album of the year so far (and yes, I've heard Merriweather Post Pavilion).

I highly recommend you check it out.

Each year there always seems to be one act that I must see live, come hell or high water. This year it's shaping up to be Bat For Lashes- who happen to have the awesome Charlotte Hatherly playing guitar with them for a bit. I haven't heard many reports on their live show- only a lukewarm review of their Electric Picnic set two years back- but there's so much quality material on the new album that it's bound to be worth catching.

So it looks like I'm going to have to somehow get the money together for an Electric Picnic ticket...

Bat For Lashes - "Pearl's Dream"

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June 24, 2009 at 3:11 AM sodthemachine said...

Totally with ya on this one Rob - i wasn't hugely impressed with Fur and Gold but once i heard the stuff off Two Suns i was like "woah", especially Daniel *swoon* ps if u end up gettin that leccie picnic ticket ill see u down the front cos im goin too!