Via Nialler via The Middle Distance Runner comes a live take of a new Bon Iver track.
It makes me wonder how much the band will be involved with the live performance, as having not seen him live yet, I almost expected a completely solo show for his upcoming appearance at Tripod. Sounds good though...
While we're at it, here's Creature Fear, from the excellent Black Cab Sessions:

I hope this doesn't disappoint you but Justin will almost definitely be playing with a band. When he played in Montreal he introduced himself and the band by saying "We are Bon Iver". It really doesn't take away from anything though. The band makes his music come alive and they do some nice vocal harmonies and simultaneous drumming. It's really cool.
For some reason I just imagined he'd be alone sitting on an almost dark stage, with everyone in the audience in a deathly hush.. but i guess that's just the romantic view of the whole 'log cabin' thing.
It's probably better that there is a band though- just watching the Black Cab session made me realise how reliant the songs are (well, at least that song is) on the rest of the arrangement. Certainly what makes Creature Fear for me is the bassline. The way it spills over on the chorus... sooo good.
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