The King of Pop is dead.
It's hard to think of anyone who influenced my love of music more- I remember the year when all I wanted for Christmas was 'Bad' on tape; I remember being 8 years old and dancing to Thriller non-stop; I remember seeing him play at Lansdowne Road and leaving the stage by jetpack; I remember childhood car journeys where the only topic of conversation was which Jackson song we should listen to; I remember hearing 'Man in the Mirror' and being introduced to music as social commentary, as a conscience.
I had tickets to the second night of the comeback tour that will not now happen. While I regret the fact that I won't get to see him again, I wish more so that he had been able to play even one last gig. As Kurt Vonnegut would have termed it: he was an entertainment machine. He lived, he entertained, he made people happy. I'm sure performing to an audience one last time would have made him happy too.
Michael Jackson left us with a catalogue of music that the greatest musical genius would be envious of. Here's my favourite track- one that showed that while he could be unbelievably catchy, he was also capable of injecting his songs with a tremendously heartfelt and emotive passion.
Long live The King.

Quality piece of music. I've been cracking jokes since he died, but I think that's because I'm more upset than most. Gonna miss him a lot.
Ah, sweet and sentimental. Jetpacks will never be as cool again
*doffs cap*
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