Story Of Hair are a band who make quite extravagant claims, such as their ability to cure male pattern baldness, but one thing that cannot be doubted is their ability to write a hell of a song. Their quirky blend alt-rock, with a touch of shoegazer (see, I can use that word now) has served them well, while shows with the likes of Delorentos & Hooray For Humans have established them as a force to be reckoned with on the Irish music scene.
The four piece have just released their excellent debut EP, 'The Ho! Ho! Ho! Stamp', and are already planning to unleash a second offering which is being recorded in February. Even industry types are already a-knocking, with the band having been selected to play the Murphy's Live show in Crawdaddy on March 6th.
All is happening in Hair-land. So check em out. Particularly if you have issues with your hairline
Here's Story Of Hair's bitchin debut single, 'Without Sound':
Click to Check out Story Of Hair on myspace
Or click here to visit their delightful website
Story Of Hair play SugarLips @ The Boom Boom Room on Parnell Street this Saturday night- February 9th.

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