Gig Roundup Continued

Wow, they just keep coming.

I'm just gonna put one on the front, if only just to give The Beacon an oppertunity to cream himself:

Neil Young
Malahide Castle, June 29th.
Tickets 81.25, on sale Monday.

More gigs after the jump..

Lou Reed
Performing Berlin in full, with a choir & orchestra.
The Marquee, Cork, June 23rd. Tickets ?? euro, on sale next Wednesday.

Crystal Castles

Andrews Lane Theatre, April 22nd.
Tickets 15 euro, on sale Friday.

God Is An Astronaut

The Academy (this is the last time I'm gonna call it 'formerly Spirit'), May 24th.
Tickets 22 euro, on sale Friday.

The Zutons, One Night Only, The Script

The Academy, May 6th.
Tickets 25.50, on sale Friday

CSS, The Futureheads, MGMT

The Academy, May 7th.
Tickets 25.50, on sale Friday

Gemma Hayes
Tripod, April 29th
Tickets 22.50-27.50, on sale Friday.

I reckon I will be going to at least... (hmm..) three of these shows.

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